Herne Bay Junior School
"One chance, let's get it right"
  • Compassion

  • Courage

  • Hope

  • Integrity

  • Justice

  • Respect

  • Responsibility

  • Wisdom

Year 5



Terms 1 & 2 



In year 5, we will hit the ground running, beginning with our Dynamic Dynasties topic; the introduction (Friday 6th September) will be an immersive round-robin day to excite and motivate the children in their learning about Ancient China. Children will learn Chinese writing, complete tangrams, make Chinese dragons and taste some Chinese food. Please let us know of any dietary needs. The learning, primarily, will focus on the Shang Dynasty, however we will explore the lasting legacy of the first five Chinese dynasties – some of which can still be seen in the world today. Our learning will take us on an ‘archaeological excavation’ where we will use historical evidence to learn about the significance of bronze, jade and silk to the Chinese culture. Moving into term two, we will extend learning to include hierarchies and warfare before exploring what led to the end of the Shang Dynasty.  



In Science, we will be learning about different forces. This project teaches children about the forces of gravity, air resistance, water resistance and friction, with children exploring their effects. They learn about mechanisms, their uses and how they allow a smaller effort to have a greater effect. 



In preparation for Harvest Festival, children will be learning a harvest song and auditioning for parts in a mini-production. Fortnightly, the children will have visits to the Forest Area whereby they will learn key life skills and develop their understanding of the natural environment. In Computing, we will focus heavily on internet safety. Our Spanish learning will be about naming parts of the body. Anning and Curie classes will be swimming in Term 1 (13, 20, 27 Sept & 4, 11 Oct), whilst Jemison and Hawking will be swimming in Term 2 (8, 15, 22, 29 November & 6 December). What an exciting couple of terms of learning we have ahead; we can’t wait to share your child’s development with you! 


Year 5 Spelling Cards - Please See Side Tab


Homework - Please See Side Tab

Homework at Herne Bay Junior School

Opinion is often divided on homework. Our intention is that the homework we set is effective and, importantly, manageable for all. We are very aware of the increased expectations as the children move from the Infant School to the Junior School and beyond. Research from the Institute of Education carried out several years ago found that homework can often cause friction at home.

The analysis, which examined seventy-five years’ worth of studies into homework, concluded that schools needed to focus more on the purpose and quality of homework, and not the amount. With this in mind and with the introduction of the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) in Year 4, which will check whether the children can understand and recall all times tables up to 12 x 12, we want to make this a key focus.

This knowledge is key to securing success as they move through their Maths careers. Without a secure understanding of these facts, concepts that are developed in Years 5 and 6, will not embed fully and therefore cannot be built upon further when they reach secondary school. 

Therefore, practising the multiplication tables is a key part of the homework we set weekly. In addition, we consider it important that every child reads widely, can spell words from the statutory and high frequency word list with confidence and we greatly value the wonderful Home Learning Projects that parents complete with their children at home.

Every child will receive a sheet outlining the expectations for the current term in their particular Year Group.  Should you have any queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s class teacher.


Please click here for some ideas and games to try.

Homework Expectation 2023/24

Home Learning Project

There will be three Home Learning Projects set over the course of the academic year and the Projects will be based on the topic being studied over two terms. These will be shared at open mornings where parents and children can celebrate the work created at home.

Three times a year


Each week multiplication tables will be set to practise the current week's tables focus.



Children will be given a set of spellings to focus on for the week. The list will include words that fit a given spelling rule and/or words from the statutory list linked to their year group. The children will be tested on these spellings weekly. 



Children MUST read independently or with an adult.  The reading diary needs signing three times a week so we know children are reading.

Three times a week as a minimum

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) – Years 5 & 6 only

Exercises in the GPS book will be sent home weekly in preparation for the KS2 GPS tests in Year 6.

Once a week on a Friday


YEAR 5 PE DAY - Monday