Recommended Reads!
As a school we are committed to not only teaching children to read but also to love books. We are passionate about high quality literature and encourage our children to read for pleasure. We realise that for many finding the right book can be a challenge and with such a range of high quality texts to choose from many of our children (and possibly parents) struggle to find books which engage them. As a result of this we are working hard to broaden children’s knowledge of authors and widen their reading habits.
The following recommendations represent a range of genres which we hope will ignite, re-kindle or fan the flames of your child’s desire to read. Some of the texts may be less familiar, but they are all from authors with a track record in writing high-quality children’s books. Not all the obvious choices are here (we know you’ve ALL heard of J.K. Rowling), however, we hope amongst this selection there will be a book or an author that becomes a family favourite for you and your child.
Why are we so passionate about reading? In the words of Dr Seuss:
“The more you read,the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
Taken from “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!"
Further Recommended Reads Year 4
Further Recommended Reads Year 5
Further Recommended Reads Year 6