School Council
School Council 2023-2024
Our new Year 4, 5 and 6 School Council representatives have now been elected for 2022-2023. The children have been introduced to the school in assembly and awarded their School Council badges.
Our School Council comprises of one main representative from each class. Alongside this, a deputy for each class is also elected to stand in should the main representative be absent.
Our Year 3 representatives are elected and integrated into the School Council in November. We already have some exciting things lined up this year. We shall be visiting the Guildhall in Canterbury in November (Years 4, 5 and 6) and we will also be looking to run a tombola to raise funds for the Forest School and an exciting book project. Watch this space for other exciting developments! School Council members will be discussing concerns, ideas and opinions with their classes throughout the year and will strive to make improvements for pupils wherever possible!