Herne Bay Junior School
"One chance, let's get it right"
  • Compassion

  • Courage

  • Hope

  • Integrity

  • Justice

  • Respect

  • Responsibility

  • Wisdom

Welcome to Herne Bay Junior School

We are a large junior school serving the centre of Herne Bay. Our website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.

Thank you for visiting!

HBJS Is Going Green!

Over the summer holidays we have been very busy having solar panels put all around our school roofs. These, in total will provide the school with around about 60kWp of electricity (around 40% of our usage). This will cut around 13 tonnes of carbon going into the atmosphere per year, thus reducing the schools carbon footprint. The power the panels produce will eventually be available to see via our website, so staff, students and visitors will be able to see in real time how much electricity we are producing and using.
The company who supplied the solar panels will also be providing us with education workshops for students and staff to help increase our knowledge about energy usage and ways in which we can live more sustainably. We are really excited about our new solar panels and is the first step in the schools journey to being net zero.

The Fantastic FRED Experience

On the 17th May, the children enjoyed the Fantastic FRED Experience in school. The Fantastic FRED Experience is a live, performance-led mental health resource for primary aged children delivered by a team of trained actors.

Specifically designed to inform, equip and build resilience, it delivers simple, memorable and practical ways that young children can look after their mental health and explains the link between our physical and mental health.

F – Food: eating the right foods
R – Rest: getting enough sleep
E – Exercise: being active
D – Devices: managing time on digital devices

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World Cultural Diversity Day


Year 3 learnt all about Kenya! They produced some art inspired by Kenyan artists, sang and played a traditional song, learnt facts about the country and performed a dance inspired by the Masai tribe.


Year 4 celebrated Brazil for World Cultural Diversity Day. The children took part in a round robin of 4 activities where the children made carnival masks, played samba music, made cheese bread and chocolate truffles and learnt about the Brazilian cultural.

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Children stay late for an evening of forest activities

On 14th March, 16 children from across the year groups returned to school for an evening of forest activities. Although we started in daylight with a glorious setting sun, we were soon in darkness requiring the use of our headtorches. To begin with, the children enjoyed time to explore our forest area before gathering near the fire for some campsite cooking. We started with Dough Twists on sticks, followed by freshly cooked fish and sweet potato, all polished off with toasted marshmallows in Smores! All the children enjoyed trying something new and everyone had a fantastic night. Mr Hobbs and Mr Thomas thoroughly enjoyed the evening too and are excited to run the next event.


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