School Council

The School Council representatives have now been elected for 2024-2025. The children have been introduced to the school in assembly and were given their School Council badges. Each class is represented by two individuals: the School Councilor and the Deputy School Councilor.  School Councilors and their Deputy will attend fortnightly School Council meetings. The School Council will be split into a Lower School Council (Years 3 and 4) and an Upper School Council (Years 5 and 6), meeting on alternate Wednesdays and altogether at the start and end of each term. School Council members will be discussing concerns, ideas and opinions with their classes throughout the year and will strive to make improvements for pupils wherever possible! Watch this space for other exciting developments! 

Year 3

Shakespeare Class

Parks Class

Tolkien Class

Councillor Zach and Deputy Bella

Councillor Oliver and Deputy Primrose

Councillor Lola and Deputy Mina

Year 4

Kahlo Class

Dali Class

Da Vinci Class

Councillor Allanna-Ann and Deputy Violet

Councillor Jacob and Deputy Elsie

Councillor Jacob and Deputy Effie

Year 5

Anning Class

Curie Class

Hawking Class

Jemison Class

Councillor Lily-Jean and Deputy Arabelle

Councillor Joshua and Deputy Ella-May

Councillor Effie and Deputy Grace

Councillor Lara and Deputy Mia-Rose

Year 6

Banneker Class

Johnson Class

Nightingale Class

Turing Class

Councillor Katie and Deputy Jack

Councillor Kais and Deputy Molly

Councillor Sophie and Deputy Daisy

Councillor Lily and Deputy Raphael